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Founders Note

Being an average student raised in a middle class family, my exposure to learning English primarily came from school. With the fear of failing exams I always ensured that reading and writing was not a trouble, but speaking english in public was something I couldn’t gain confidence in.
I would quickly abandon situations that demanded public speaking and due to my low confidence I would even panic during social situations that led to fumbling and sometimes even shivering.

Much like me, a lot of you must have been through similar situations…am I right?

An interaction or perhaps a situation which left you nervous or even demotivated?

Have you felt a hesitation with any kind of public speaking, school debates, extempore, reciting “thought of the day” in the assembly or even a task as simple as answering questions in the class?

My fear made me confused, silent and underconfident
Fear of being laughed at, fear of being judged by others.

Just like so many other people, I took tuitions, took lessons with onlines courses, downloaded numerous learning apps but their traditional methods never encouraged me to lose my inhibitions and learn. There was always something missing!

In apprehension, I would think…What is lacking?
What’s missing from my learning process that is causing this gap?

My questions remained unanswered and my quest for them only came to an end when I began working with an International Airlines and got the opportunity to meet people from different parts of the world; people who belonged to varied ethnicities & cultures and spoke a different language. All of us were only connected through the thread of speaking one common language – English.
Being put in a situation where I could only converse in English while also getting to travel the world simultaneously gave me the confidence I was yearning for. This was only possible because I met people who gave me the comfort of learning and speaking without being scared.

This journey helped me understand what exactly I was lacking…

Growth can only come when one puts themselves in challenging situations. In order to evolve our personality, enhance communication and learn a new language, we need to have an environment where we can interact with people consistently and without any inhibitions.

Observing these experiences, I decided to design a versatile application that will be a one stop platform connecting people from various cultures and linguistic backgrounds, were they can communicate with each other in a chosen language to learn the language without being conscious, sharpen their communications skills, gain confidence to speak with anyone, anytime and simply say SPEAKLLO!

That’s my thought behind SPEAKLLO !!

But then, why a game??
I have driven my inspiration from the one and only Mr Genius, Elon Musk. In one of his interviews’ he had mentioned “Generally we want our education to be like, as close as a good video game. We don’t need to tell our kids to play video games, they can play on autopilot all day. If we can make our education interactive and engaging, then you can make education far more compelling and easier to do”.

This was all the inspiration I needed to create this gaming app where people can learn and practice languages with the fun of playing games with each other.

Our Story

In April 2020, amidst the Corona Pandemic, our journey began with a vision to empower youth globally through accessible language learning.

As “SPEAKLLO,” formerly known as “WOW – War Of Word,” we embarked on a digital transformation, making language training affordable and convenient. 

Our mission is fueled by Numerology, which guides us towards success and positive impact. Despite challenges like financial setbacks and team changes, we persevered, learning and growing.

Now, with our scientifically designed logo and name, we continue to embrace the power of language. Join us on this transformative journey and unlock the potential of communication skills with SPEAKLLO.


Creating a global language learning community through a visionary gaming app, connecting diverse cultures for language practice and learning.


We strive to make our gaming app the ultimate platform to help people connect worldwide, to learn and practice multiple languages


  1. Innovation: Encouraging creativity and constantly seeking improvement and new solutions to keep enhancing the Experience of its users.
  2. Teamwork: Promoting collaboration and a supportive environment.
  3. Social Responsibility: Contributing positively to the Community and Society.
  4. Respect: Valuing diversity, treating individuals with dignity, and fostering inclusivity.

Ravie S Bhatia


Wvaranya H Bhatia
